Month: March 2016

WordPress count* total views of posts !

Sometime we want to check the total views of the particular post... so here is the solution by using of this code you can check how many times your post is viewed.  Add this to theme Function.php file function wpb_set_post_views($postID)...

Smooth Scroll of window to a div using jquery

if you want to scroll the window smoothly on click then you can make that using  this code to reach the particular div. jQuery(".addto_cart_button").click(function() { jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: jQuery("#cust-id").offset().top }, 2000); });   If you have multiple link to scroll.....

Multiple background images through CSS3

CSS3 contains a few new background properties, which allow greater control of the background element. we can add more then one image as background through css3. you can set the properties of any element like this below: #nst{ background-image:url(atal-setu.png), url(new-nst.png);...
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