To add Custom field's on particular product's on Shopify website.. there are many free app available on Shopify store but i like this one here are the simple Step's to do that easily.. 1) First of all from the...

How to add Custom fields on product page or particular product in shopify ?

If User Logged in.. Show and hide Menu in wordpress !
Sometime we want to hide some menu item for site visitors so with the help of these wordpress function we can do that easily. 1st Way.. First edit your theme functions.php file and Register Navigation menu by using register_nav_menus() function...

Transparent Gradient or fade effect to image in Photoshop !
gradient Here are simple steps to do that any images.. 1) Add new file in Photoshop or open the image in photoshop to add fade or transparent effect..i added this one.. 2) Right click on that layer and choose...

Add metabox to custom post type in wordpress !
Here is the way to Add metabox to custom post type in wordpress .. 1) Add taxonomy to existing or custom post type .. 2) You can add by using this tag... "Quality" is a Name of the taxonomy...
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