Steps to get Login ID and Transaction Key and Signature Key from the Authorize account. 1) Login to your account. 2) Click on Settings from the left panel. 3) After this click on API Credentials & Keys like link...
How to get Transaction and Signature key in Authorize account ?
How to check database table prefix in wordpress ?
Here is the simple way to check the database table prefix from the PhpMyAdmin. Login to you hosting cPanel and click on PhpMyAdmin .. like here Then in the list of databases ... click on the database that is used....

how to find your custom post type slug name ?
Here is the way to find custom post type slug name in your website... function nst_custom_post() { register_post_type( 'Movie', array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => __( 'Movie' ), 'singular_name' => __( 'Movie' ) ) In this function above.. post type...
PHP Update Required! how to update php version in cPanel ?
Sometime we got warning in wordpress dashboard... PHP Update Required ! WordPress has detected that your site is running on an insecure version of PHP. So here is the way to update PHP version of you website to latest one...1)...
How to create child theme in wordpress ?
How to create and customize child theme in wordpress ? or How to create child theme in wp ? Child theme - wordpress Here is the way to create a child theme, based on parent or master theme in WordPress....
Stop and play owl carousel on click Jquery !
How to stop and play owl carousel on click.. so here is the custom script that help you to work owl carousel as per your need. If your owl carousel is on autoplay mode then.. // Pause on click item...
Add metabox to custom post type in wordpress !
Here is the way to Add metabox to custom post type in wordpress .. 1) Add taxonomy to existing or custom post type .. 2) You can add by using this tag... "Quality" is a Name of the taxonomy...
Trim the word from the title or content in wordpress or php !
Sometime we want to show only some words from the title or content of page/posts in wordpress. In your php query you can trim title by using this function. Here i trim the words of post title to show only...
How to make owl carousel to slide smoothly ?
Here is the solution to make owl slider to slide image smoothly.. in wordpress or html scripts. To make owl slider to slide image smoothly.. just add this smartSpeed attribute to owl function.. $('#nst-video').owlCarousel({ items: 2, loop: true, margin: 10,...
Change number of search result in Shopify !
As i guess you are already logged in to your shopify Store so find file search.liquid and change this number. did it worked ?
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