So here are the other Queries related to this Topic ….. Disable XML-RPC in wordpress How to disable xmlrpc.php for Wordpress? How to rollback plugins and themes in wordpress ? How to stop xmlrpc brute force attack ? disable xml-rpc...
Here are some of other queries/ Questions related to this topic. How do i remove Vimeo logo from the embedded video ? How to remove Vimeo logo form the embedded video ? How to remove title form the embedded video...
Simple steps to make changes in database after import to live in wordpress or import to new domain , place, hosting. Quickly change your wordpress database from the cpanel / phpmyadmin. Here are simple code you have to edit and...
Here is the way to make backup of your wordpress website and then download from you hosting cPanel. In other word.. to make backup offline of your website. Here are few steps to follow :- Login to your cPanel hosting...
Here is one of the way to replace images link or path in WordPress After Installing an SSL Certificate into your website. Every time when we install SSL into our wordpress website .. After successfully installing SSL .. the website...
Here is the way to find custom post type slug name in your website... function nst_custom_post() { register_post_type( 'Movie', array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => __( 'Movie' ), 'singular_name' => __( 'Movie' ) ) In this function above.. post type...
Make changes in database after import to live in wordpress. Here are simple code you have to edit and paste into your domain database SQL tab and then click on GO to process it.. Here is the code UPDATE wp_options...
Here is how to implement Pagination for custom posts in wordpress. Add this to functions.php function pagination_bar() { global $wp_query; $total_pages = $wp_query->max_num_pages; if ($total_pages > 1){ $current_page = max(1, get_query_var('paged')); echo paginate_links(array( 'base' => get_pagenum_link(1) . '%_%', 'format' =>...
Sometime we got warning in wordpress dashboard... PHP Update Required ! WordPress has detected that your site is running on an insecure version of PHP. So here is the way to update PHP version of you website to latest one...1)...
How to create and customize child theme in wordpress ? or How to create child theme in wp ? Child theme - wordpress Here is the way to create a child theme, based on parent or master theme in WordPress....